Incident Notifications

Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.

Incident Notifications

The /incidentNotifications collection is used to query the notifications that were sent for a specified Incident, similar to the
Notifications list of the Incident details page.

GET /incidentNotifications/{organizationId}/{incidentId}


Return detailed information for each notification sent for a specified Incident,
similar to the Notifications list of the Incident details page.

Return type

collection of notifications


organizationIdurlnThe ID of the organization containing these Incident Templates.
incidentIdurlnThe ID of the Incident object.
pageNumberquerynThe page of Notification data to return. Page size is 100, and pageNumber is assumed to be 1 if not provided.

GET /incidentNotifications/{organizationId}/{incidentId}/notification


Return detailed information for a specific notification sent for a specified

Return type



organizationIdurlnThe ID of the organization containing these Incident Templates.
incidentIdurlnThe ID of the Incident object.
notificationIdquerynThe ID of the Notification object to return.
verbosequeryyA boolean value indicating whether the full contact-by-contact results should be returned for this notification. Defaults to false. Acceptable values are true or false.

When verbose is true, field notificationResult in Notification Data Model will be as follows


Role based fields

Note that the fields confirmedPathValue and pathText will not return if the role of the requesting API user is Incident Operator

            "fullName":"Test5 1",
            "confirmedPathValue":"[email protected]",
                  "pathText":"[email protected]",
Incident Notification with exercise mode on

✅ Sample Response below

  "message": "OK",
  "result": {
    "startDate": 1568709818322,
    "accountId": 448605039100272,
    "broadcastContacts": {
      "contactIds": [
      "contactSearchType": "AllOr",
      "sequenceGroupEnabled": false,
      "defaultSeqGroupQuota": 0,
      "enableGroupCalendar": false
    "incidentPhase": {
      "createdName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
      "incidentId": 292886704849720,
      "accountId": 448605039100272,
      "status": "A",
      "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
      "organizationId": 448605039100539,
      "id": 10011,
      "notificationId": -1,
      "phaseTemplate": {
        "templateId": 444206992614315,
        "templateName": "2622",
        "name": "New | Updated | Closed",
        "messageFlag": 1,
        "contactsFlag": 1,
        "settingsFlag": 1,
        "publishOptionsFlag": {
          "abb": 1,
          "ipawsCap": 1,
          "webPosting": 1,
          "nixleChannel": 1,
          "alertUs": 1,
          "socialMedia": 1,
          "memberPortal": 1,
          "network": 1
        "phaseDefinitions": [
            "id": 1001,
            "status": "A",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "New",
            "seq": 0
            "id": 1002,
            "status": "A",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Updated",
            "seq": 0
            "id": 1003,
            "status": "A",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Closed",
            "seq": 0
        "formTemplate": {
          "subject": "[DRILL]2622",
          "preMessage": "[DRILL]pre.Calendar1Only SA phone116:38:39SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
          "postMessage": "post.Calendar1Only SA phone116:38:39SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
          "formVariableItems": [
              "val": [
              "variableName": "Current Time",
              "isRequired": false,
              "seq": 1,
              "variableId": 10003
        "broadcastTemplate": {
          "accountId": 0,
          "broadcastContacts": {
            "contactIds": [
            "contactSearchType": "AllOr",
            "sequenceGroupEnabled": false,
            "defaultSeqGroupQuota": 0,
            "enableGroupCalendar": false
          "resourceBundleId": 0,
          "organizationId": 0,
          "publicMessages": {},
          "type": "Standard",
          "id": 0,
          "message": {
            "accountId": 448605039100272,
            "organizationId": 448605039100539,
            "contentType": "Text",
            "id": 0,
            "title": "[DRILL]2622",
            "textMessage": "[DRILL]pre.Calendar1Only SA phone116:38:39SmartConference_admin2 wzhang   \r\n\r\nCurrent Time: 16:43:38   \r\nMessage Sender: SmartConference_admin2 wzhang   \r\n6.5RG_gp&aa: Only SA phone1   \r\n6.5RG_cal&aa: Calendar1   \r\nFF_text1000: ddd   \r\n6.5RGDate1: 11-02-2016   \r\n6.5RG_gp1: 0 Normal Group, 0 Seq Group, 0 Seq Group Used by seq Shift   \r\n\r\npost.Calendar1Only SA phone116:38:39SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
            "conferenceBridgeId": 0,
            "createdDate": 1568709818291,
            "createdName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
            "status": "A",
            "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
            "lastModifiedDate": 1568709818291,
            "lastModifiedId": 448605039100311,
            "createdId": 448605039100311,
            "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
            "rtfContent": "<meta name=\"viewport\" id=\"meta\" content=\"width=device-width; initial scale=1.0\">RTF.16:38:390 Normal Group, 0 Seq Group, 0 Seq Group Used by seq Shiftddd",
            "useCustomEmail": true
          "broadcastSettings": {
            "voiceMailOption": "MESSAGE_ONLY",
            "throttlDefaultAmount": 0,
            "throttle": false,
            "mobileSettings": {
              "requestComment": false,
              "requestImage": false,
              "requestLocation": false,
              "allowShare": false,
              "requireConfirm": false,
              "pushAlertEnabled": false
            "deliverPaths": [
                "accountId": 448605039100272,
                "pathId": 241901148045324,
                "organizationId": 448605039100539,
                "awarePathId": 5273022,
                "id": 884011643702978,
                "expose": false,
                "isDefault": true,
                "createdDate": 1473668879373,
                "createdName": "SmartConference1 wzhang",
                "status": "A",
                "mandatory": false,
                "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
                "editable": false,
                "seq": 23,
                "lastModifiedDate": 1560239858257,
                "lastModifiedId": 448605039100303,
                "createdId": 448605039100303,
                "prompt": "SMS1",
                "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference1 wzhang",
                "extRequired": false,
                "displayFlag": false,
                "default": true
            "requirePinForMessage": false,
            "deliveryMethodInterval": 0,
            "bookConference": false,
            "cycleInterval": 0,
            "duration": 1,
            "senderCallerInfos": [
                "countryName": "United States",
                "accountId": 0,
                "countryCode": "US",
                "resourceBundleId": 0,
                "organizationId": 0,
                "id": 0,
                "callerId": "2012345670",
                "isDefault": true,
                "createdId": 0,
                "lastModifiedId": 0
            "contactCycles": 1,
            "language": "en_US",
            "recipientApp": false,
            "senderEmail": "[email protected]",
            "confirm": true,
            "deliveryPathOrder": "Contact",
            "enableSecureNotification": false
          "priority": "NonPriority",
          "lastModifiedId": 0,
          "createdId": 0,
          "useEscalation": false,
          "enableLifeSafety": false
        "ignoreVariable": false,
        "evaluateAll": false,
        "incidentNotificationPropertyBag": {
          "enableExerciseMode": "true",
          "exerciseModeContent": "[DRILL]"
      "name": "New",
      "lastModifiedDate": 1568709818248,
      "lastModifiedId": 448605039100311,
      "createdId": 448605039100311,
      "createdDate": 1568709818248,
      "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
      "phaseDefinition": {
        "phaseNodeType": "Begin",
        "id": 1001,
        "incidentStatus": "Open",
        "status": "A",
        "isDefault": true,
        "name": "New",
        "seq": 100
    "endDate": 1568713418322,
    "transformed": true,
    "organizationId": 448605039100539,
    "type": "Standard",
    "id": 292886704886961,
    "notificationStatus": "Completed",
    "productSource": "Matrix",
    "priority": "NonPriority",
    "oldAwareCAMPID": 0,
    "createdDate": 1568709818321,
    "hasNotification": true,
    "createdName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
    "status": "A",
    "notificationResult": {
      "notificationId": 292886704886961,
      "unreachableCount": 0,
      "confirmedCount": 0,
      "totalCount": 2,
      "confirmedLateCount": 0,
      "notConfirmedCount": 0
    "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
    "launchtype": "SendNow",
    "publicMessages": {},
    "message": {
      "accountId": 448605039100272,
      "organizationId": 448605039100539,
      "contentType": "Text",
      "id": 0,
      "title": "[DRILL]2622",
      "textMessage": "[DRILL]pre.Calendar1Only SA phone116:38:39SmartConference_admin2 wzhang   \r\n\r\nCurrent Time: 16:43:38   \r\nMessage Sender: SmartConference_admin2 wzhang   \r\n6.5RG_gp&aa: Only SA phone1  \r\n6.5RG_cal&aa: Calendar1   \r\nFF_text1000: ddd   \r\n6.5RGDate1: 11-02-2016   \r\n6.5RG_gp1: 0 Normal Group, 0 Seq Group, 0 Seq Group Used by seq Shift   \r\n\r\npost.Calendar1Only SA phone116:38:39SmartConference_admin2wzhang",
      "conferenceBridgeId": 0,
      "createdDate": 1568709818291,
      "createdName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
      "status": "A",
      "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
      "lastModifiedDate": 1568709818291,
      "lastModifiedId": 448605039100311,
      "createdId": 448605039100311,
      "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
      "rtfContent": "<meta name=\"viewport\" id=\"meta\" content=\"width=device-width; initial scale=1.0\">RTF.16:38:390 Normal Group, 0 Seq Group, 0 Seq Group Used by seq Shiftddd",
      "useCustomEmail": true
    "broadcastSettings": {
      "voiceMailOption": "MESSAGE_ONLY",
      "throttlDefaultAmount": 0,
      "throttle": false,
      "mobileSettings": {
        "requestComment": false,
        "requestImage": false,
        "requestLocation": false,
        "allowShare": false,
        "requireConfirm": false,
        "pushAlertEnabled": false
      "deliverPaths": [
          "accountId": 448605039100272,
          "pathId": 241901148045324,
          "organizationId": 448605039100539,
          "awarePathId": 5273022,
          "id": 884011643702978,
          "expose": false,
          "isDefault": true,
          "createdDate": 1473668879373,
          "createdName": "SmartConference1 wzhang",
          "status": "A",
          "mandatory": false,
          "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
          "editable": false,
          "seq": 23,
          "lastModifiedDate": 1560239858257,
          "lastModifiedId": 448605039100303,
          "createdId": 448605039100303,
          "prompt": "SMS1",
          "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference1 wzhang",
          "extRequired": false,
          "displayFlag": false,
          "default": true
      "requirePinForMessage": false,
      "deliveryMethodInterval": 0,
      "bookConference": false,
      "cycleInterval": 0,
      "duration": 1,
      "senderCallerInfos": [
          "countryName": "United States",
          "accountId": 0,
          "countryCode": "US",
          "resourceBundleId": 0,
          "organizationId": 0,
          "id": 0,
          "callerId": "2012345670",
          "isDefault": true,
          "createdId": 0,
          "lastModifiedId": 0
      "contactCycles": 1,
      "language": "en_US",
      "recipientApp": false,
      "senderEmail": "[email protected]",
      "confirm": true,
      "deliveryPathOrder": "Contact",
      "enableSecureNotification": false
    "sourceTemplateId": 0,
    "source": "Web",
    "notificationName": "[DRILL]2622",
    "batchNotificationId": 0,
    "stoppedBy": 0,
    "lastModifiedDate": 1568713440059,
    "lastModifiedId": 448605039100311,
    "createdId": 448605039100311,
    "processedBy": "schedtask-be-c1-1",
    "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
    "incident": {
      "accountId": 448605039100272,
      "organizationId": 448605039100539,
      "id": 292886704849720,
      "incidentStatus": "Open",
      "name": "[DRILL]2622",
      "createdDate": 1568709818198,
      "hasJournal": false,
      "createdName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang",
      "status": "A",
      "resourceBundleId": 448605039100755,
      "duration": 0,
      "createdId": 448605039100311,
      "lastModifiedId": 448605039100311,
      "lastModifiedDate": 1568709818198,
      "phaseStatus": {
        "phaseNodeType": "Begin",
        "id": 1001,
        "incidentStatus": "Open",
        "status": "A",
        "isDefault": true,
        "name": "New",
        "seq": 100
      "lastModifiedName": "SmartConference_admin2 wzhang"
    "escalationConfirmedCount": 0,
    "escalatedNotification": false,
    "enableLifeSafety": false

GET /incidentNotifications/{organizationId}/scenario


Return all of the notifications that are triggered by the specified scenario.

Return type


The customScenarioId is used only if the scenarioId is not greater than 0
(zero). Added in the release of EB 6.8.0.


organizationIdurlnThe ID of the organization containing these Incident Templates.
scenarioIdurlnThe ID of the scenario object.
customScenarioIdqueryyThe custom ID of the scenario.
pageNumberqueryyThe page number of the returned data.
pageSizequeryyThe page size of this query.