List Scheduling Audits

Scheduling Audit is a read-only resource, meaning audits cannot be modified or deleted. Hence, there is only one API to get the audits. However, the result can be filtered in various ways as per the need.

Data Model

AuditAction ENUM

CREATEAudit action for creation of a resource.
UPDATEAudit action for modification of a resource.
DELETEAudit action for deletion of a resource.

Changes Object

The object represents the before and after values of a modified property of a

NameRequired?Data Type?Description
beforeyObjectValue of a resource’s property before modification.
afteryObjectValue of a resource’s property after modification.

SchedulingAudit Object

The object is used for generating an Audit record for Scheduling resources’
CRUD actions.

NameRequired?Data Type?Description
idYString(System Generated) The ID of the generated audit.
organizationIdYLongThe ID of the EB organization being audited.
calendarIdNLongThe ID of the Calendar being audited.
shiftScheduleIdYLongThe ID of the ShiftSchedule being audited.
staffScheduleIdYLongThe ID of the StaffSchedule being audited.
shiftScheduleSubstitudionIdNLongThe ID of the ShiftScheduleSubstitution being audited.
staffSubstituionIdNLongThe ID of the StaffSubstitution being audited.
actionYAuditActionThe Scheduling CRUD action being audited.
auditResourceYParameterizedBaseMongoObjectThe Scheduling resource name being audited. This could be a Calendar, ShiftSchedule, StaffSchedule, ShiftScheduleSubstitution, or StaffSubstitution object with its respective properties that are tracked by Audit.
detailsNMap<String,Changes>Map of modified properties of the resource being audited with their respective before and after modification values.
includesNListList of resource objects with their static metadata (values at the time of audit) that can be looked up by the IDs in the SchedulingAudit object.
createdDateYDateDate-time stamp (in UTC +0) of the generation of the audit.
createIdYLongThe ID of the User/Contact responsible for the Scheduling CRUD action corresponding to the audit.
createdNameYStringThe name of the User/Contact responsible for the Scheduling CRUD action corresponding to the audit.


Additional Query Params supported

The following query parameters are not listed under supported "Query Params" section for this API because the parameter name doesn't match regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:._$-]+$] You can still use them optionally in filtering Scheduling Audit request.

Readme portal does not support adding query parameters that are not explicitly listed in the "Query Params" section. If you need to test with additional query parameters, please use tools like Postman or similar alternatives.

NameDescriptionData Type
createdDate[gte]Start date (in UTC +0) of the audits that this request should filter by
Eg. 2019-01-08 or 2019-01-08T00:00:00Z
createdDate[lte]End date (in UTC +0) of the audits that this request should filter by
Eg. 2019-01-09 or 2019-01-09T00:00:00Z
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