Upload Contacts Groups

This API allows adding, removing contacts to group(s) in bulk by uploading a file.
Once the file has been uploaded, use Get Contacts Groups Upload Status to find the status of the upload.

Each row must have one externalId entry only.

Use the following comma delimited csv file

  1. Adding a contact to a group.
    External ID,Groups,Group Remove  
    externalId1,Group A,

  2. Adding a contact to a group and removing from another group.
    External ID,Groups,Group Remove  
    externalId1,Group B,Group A
  3. Removing a contact from a group
    External ID,Groups,Group Remove  
    externalId1,,Group A

  4. Adding and removing a contact from 2 groups (note the double quotes and | when working with multiple groups)
 External ID,Groups,Group Remove  
"externalId1","Group A | Group B","Group C | Group D"

Response body

idUnique batch id. This id can be used to return the batch details.

Error Messages

400Type Mismatch Exception
401Missing Organization Id
401Org Is Invalid
500Internal Error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!