Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.
Critical Event Templates
Critical Event Template API is
used to manage critical event templates within an organization.
GET /cm/v1/crisisEventTemplate
Return a paged set of critical event templates for an organization.
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
filtered | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The filter value, in this case, the name of the critical event templates. |
needInit | url parameter | Boolean | y | If the preset system event templates should be initialized. *This should be true only if this organization has no preset system event templates. “true” will be used as default if this field is absent. |
folderIds | url parameter | Array[String] | y | In filter-The IDs of the folders that contain these critical event templates. |
columnName | url parameter | String | y | The name of the column to sort by, allowable values: “lastModifiedDate”. “lastModifiedDate” will be used as default if this field is absent. |
orderDirection | url parameter | String | y | The sort order of the data, allowable values: “ASC, DESC”. “DESC” will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageNumber | url parameter | Integer | y | The page number of the data to return. 1 will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageSize | url parameter | Integer | y | The page size of the data to return. 25 will be used as default if this field is absent. |
templatesWithCustomFields | url parameter | Boolean | y | The parameter used to filter templates by customFields. Set templatesWithCustomFields=true , will return all templates contain at least one customField. Set templatesWithCustomFields=false, will return all templates don't contain any customField Once not given this parameter ,will return all templates as the default logic. |
Code | Response |
200 OK | { "pageSize": 25, "start": 0, "data": [{ "id": "5d133bf8984bb72c593095a1", "name": "Flood", "nameLowerCase": "flood", "createdName": "Everbridge", "createdId": -1, "createdDate": 1561541624050, "lastModifiedName": "test user", "lastModifiedId": 884011643700660, "lastModifiedDate": 1565770908784, "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "status": "A", "description": "Everbridge sample event", "folderId": "0", "ownerId": 884011643741228, "ownerName": "test group", "taskListTemplates": [{ "id": "5d64d8a028bdc4335c6f4c55", "enableAutoLaunch": false }, { "id": "5d133bf7984bb72c59309589", "enableAutoLaunch": false } ], "taskListTempIds": [ "5d64d8a028bdc4335c6f4c55", "5d133bf7984bb72c59309589" ] }, { "id": "5d133bf8984bb72c593095a2", "name": "Earthquake", "nameLowerCase": "earthquake", "createdName": "Everbridge", "createdId": -1, "createdDate": 1561541624050, "lastModifiedName": "test user", "lastModifiedId": 884011643700660, "lastModifiedDate": 1565770908784, "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "status": "A", "description": "Everbridge sample event", "folderId": "0", |
"ownerId": 884011643741228, "ownerName": "test user", "taskListTemplates": [{ "id": "5d4beb5bd67c942dc02c3f83", "enableAutoLaunch": false }, { "id": "5d4beb5bd67c942dc02c3f84", "enableAutoLaunch": false } ], "taskListTempIds": [ "5d4beb5bd67c942dc02c3f83", "5d4beb5bd67c942dc02c3f84" ] } ], "totalCount": 2, "totalPageCount": 1, "currentPageNo": 1 } | |
400 | Bad Request. |
401 | Unauthorized. |
403 | Forbidden. No Permission For this Resource. |
404 | Resource Not Found. |
406 | Not Acceptable. Illegal Input. |
500 | Internal Error |
GET /cm/v1/crisisEventTemplate/
Task List Templates API is used to manage task list templates within an
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
crisisEventTemplate | body | Object | n | The object of the creation data. |
id | url path | String | n | Return an object of the critical event template. |
Response Body
HTTP Status Code | Response Body |
200Ok | { "id": "5d133bf8984bb72c593095a2", "name": "Earthquake", "createdName": "Everbridge", "createdId": -1, "createdDate": 1561541624050, "lastModifiedName": "test user", "lastModifiedId": 884011643700660, "lastModifiedDate": 1565770908784, "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "description": "Everbridge sample event", "folderId": "0", "ownerId": 884011643741228, "ownerName": "test user" } |
400 | Bad Request. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden. No Permission For this Resource |
404 | Resource Not Found |
406 | Not Acceptable. Illegal Input. |
500 | Internal Error |