
Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.


Group Fields

ParameterData TypeDescription
namestringThe name of the group.
parentIdlongThe ID of the parent group. This value is -1 if there is no parent.
idlongThis is the internal ID for a group.
createIdlongThe ID of the user who created this resource.
lastModifiedDatelongUnix epoch data/time when the contact was last modified.
lastModifiedlongThe internal ID of the user that last modified this contact.
lastModifiedNamestringFirst and last name of the user that last modified this contact.
lastSynchronizedTimelongThe date time of last refreshing map layer data.
accountIdlongThe ID of the account that owns this resource.
resourceBundleIdlongThe ID of the Role which owns this resource.
organizationIdlongThe ID of the Organization that owns this resource.
enableSequenceContactbooleanWhether sequenced has been enabled for a group or not.
dirtybooleanWhether the contacts of this group have been updated and need to refresh map layer data.

Error Status Codes

HTTP Status CodeReason
400Missing or Invalid request input.
401Invalid or missing credentials.
404Non-existing name or non-existing ID.
500Internal Error

GET /groups/{organizationId}


Return a paged set of groups for an organization.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization containing the groups.

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "firstPageUri": "",
  "lastPageUri": "",
  "page": {
    "pageSize": 2,
    "start": 0,
    "data": [
        "lastModifiedTime": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "resourceBundleId": 0,
        "organizationId": 0,
        "id": 2643234543111210,
        "parentId": -1,
        "name": "Executive",
        "lastModifiedDate": 1467836647752,
        "lastModifiedId": 0,
        "createdId": 0,
        "lastSynchronizedTime": 0,
        "lastModifiedName": "Jennifer Markman",
        "dirty": true
        "lastModifiedTime": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "resourceBundleId": 0,
        "organizationId": 0,
        "id": 444211287561988,
        "parentId": -1,
        "name": "Sequenced Group",
        "lastModifiedDate": 1456762515110,
        "lastModifiedId": 0,
        "createdId": 0,
        "lastSynchronizedTime": 0,
        "lastModifiedName": "Anne Eliasan",
        "dirty": true
    "totalCount": 2,
    "totalPageCount": 1,
    "currentPageNo": 1

POST /groups/{organizationId}


Create a new group.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization containing the groups.
groupgroupWrapperyThe JSON object describing the new group
If the group is at the root, the “parentID” is set to -1. If the group is nested, then the “parentID” is the identifier for the parent group.

Request Body

FieldData TypeNotes
namestring (80)The name of the group.
parentIdlongOptional : the parentId of the group to be created.

Group without Parent

  "name": "API Created Group"

Group with Parent

  "parentId": 884015938670971,
  "name": "API Created Group"

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "id": "{the internal id of the record just created}",
  "baseUri": "{organizationId}/",
  "instanceUri": "{organizationId}/{groupId}"

GET /groups/{organizationId}/{queryValue}


Return a specific group.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization in which to find the group.
queryValuestringyThe ID or the name of this group.
queryTypestringyWhether to search by or

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "result": {
    "createdName": "Lucas Herman",
    "lastModifiedTime": 1500929790072,
    "accountId": 0,
    "status": "A",
    "resourceBundleId": 0,
    "organizationId": 453003085611516,
    "id": 444211287561988,
    "parentId": -1,
    "name": "Sequenced Group",
    "lastModifiedDate": 1456762515110,
    "lastModifiedId": 453003085611520,
    "createdId": 453003085611520,
    "createdDate": 1450132608993,
    "lastSynchronizedTime": 1500929790072,
    "lastModifiedName": "Lucas Herman",
    "dirty": false

PUT /groups/{organizationId}/{groupId}


Update a group within an organization. “Update” refers to renaming
the group or changing its position.

If the group is nested, then make it a root group by changing the
“parentID” value to -1.

You can change the group position by setting its “parentID” to that
of another parent.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization containing the groups.
groupIdlongyThe ID of the group to update.
groupgroupWrapperyThe JSON object describing the new group

Request Body

FieldData TypeNotes
namestring (80)The name of the group.
parentIdlongOptional : the parentId of the group to be created.

Group without Parent

  "name": "API Created Group"

Group with Parent

  "parentId": 884015938670971,
  "name": "API Created Group"

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "id": "{the internal id of the record just created}",
  "baseUri": "{organizationId}/",
  "instanceUri": "{organizationId}/{groupId}"

DELETE /groups/{organizationId}/{groupId}


Delete the specified group from an organization.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization containing the groups.
groupIdlongyThe ID of the group to delete.

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "id": "{the internal id of the record just deleted}",
  "baseUri": "{organizationId}/",
  "instanceUri": "{organizationId}/{groupId}"

POST /groups/{organizationId}/contacts


Add many contacts within a group.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization containing the groups.
byTypestringnWhether to select by ID or name.
groupIdlongnThe ID of the group to add.
groupNamestringnThe name of the group to add.
idTypestringnWhether to add by or contact.externalId.
contactIdsstringyThe JSON object describing the contact IDs.

Example Request

  "contact ID 1",
  "contact ID 2",
  "contact ID N"

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "code": 100

DELETE /groups/{organizationId}/contacts


Delete many contacts within a group.

Return type

group Object


NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization from which to delete contacts within this group.
byTypestringnWhether to delete by ID or name of group.
groupIdlongnThe ID of the group to add.
groupNamestringnThe name of the group.
idTypestringnWhether to delete by or contact.externalId.
contactIdsstringyThe JSON object describing the contact IDs.

Example Request

  "contact ID 1",
  "contact ID 2",
  "contact ID N"

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "code": 100

POST /groups/{organizationId}/contacts/sequence


Replace contacts into a sequenced group. The contacts should be a full list, they
will replace the contacts in the group, and the order will be the sequence number of the contact in that

This API does two things: replaces contacts for the group and specifies the
contact sequence.

Return type



NameData TypeRequired?Description
credentialsstringyBasic Authorization header.
organizationIdlongyThe ID of the organization containing the groups.
byTypestringnWhether to select by ID or name.
groupIdlongnThe ID of the group to add.
groupNamestringnThe name of the group to add.
idTypestringnWhether to add by or contact.externalId. The default value is ID.
contactIdsstringyThe JSON object describing the contact IDs.

Example Request

  "contact ID 1",
  "contact ID 2",
  "contact ID N"

Example Response

  "message": "OK",
  "code": 100,
  "data": [
    "{\"id\":\"\",\"externalId\":\"[email protected]\",\"result\":\"success\"}"