List Scheduling Substitutions

List scheduling substitutions (Unavailable/Replacement)

Return Type

Substitutions Object


NameRequired?Data TypeOptionsDescription
organizationIdylongThe ID of the Organization that owns this resource.
fieldsnstringAny StaffSubstitution field Ex: calendarId, contactIdFields to be included in the response. Fields[resourceName] may be used to specify fields returned for included documents. When doing so, it is not necessary to also request to include the resource as the include is implied by the fields request.
includenstring"contact", "calendar"Specifying the includes parameter will result in a compound document response, adding resources to included which have been referenced by resources returned in data. Include may be specified as a comma-delimited list of resource names.
filternstringAny non transient StaffSubstitution field Ex: filter[calendarId], filter[contactId]Filter may be used to specify filter criteria for the request. Filters are specified in the format of filter[fieldName], where fieldName is any field supported by this resource. Multiple filter criteria will result in AND conditions, with the exception of multiple filters on the same field, in which case the criteria will be treated as an OR condition.
sortnstringAny non transient StaffSubstitution field Ex: calendarId, contactIdComma-delimited list of fields to sort by. +/- can precede the field name to indicate direction (ascending/descending) + is the default direction Ex. sort=status,-createdDate sorts by status ascending and createdDate descending
pageSizenintegerdefault of 10 format - int32The number of records per page to be included in the response.
pageNonintegerdefault of 1 format - int32The page to be returned.
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