Launch Incident

Creating a new incident results in launching one or more new notifications. Incident can be launched with default values set up at the template level or various parameters defined at the template level can be overridden by sending it through this API.

The following APIs can be used to find the IDs of resources used for launching an incident:

  1. Template ID: List Templates
  2. Variable ID: List Org Variables or List Template Variables
  3. Contact Paths: List Contact Paths

Response body

messageReturns status (OK).
idID of the created incident.

Error Messages

400Invalid template id.
400Information variable [<variable ID] is required!
400Invalid option for [<variable ID]!
400Incident Template is not Live status.
400Please specify the incidentAction for Incident object.
400Required request body is missing
500Fatal error on handling request
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!