Upload Contacts

This API allows adding, updating or deleting contacts in bulk by uploading a file.
Once the file has been uploaded, use Get Contacts Upload Status to find the status of the upload. Use Create Contact to add contact.

Multiple contacts can be added to the csv file with one contact per row to update contacts in bulk. The API supports 3 mode of posting data:

  1. PARTIAL (default)
    Inserts new contacts and updates existing contacts. No other action is taken. Synonymous with the Update function in the UI. Contacts not defined in the files are not touched in the system.
    Inserts new contacts and updates existing contacts. Additionally, any contact not in the file but in the database will be permanently deleted.
    Deletes all contacts listed in the uploaded file. Synonymous with the Delete function in the UI. Contacts not defined in the files are not touched in the system.

Sample CSV template for Upload is available in Manager Portal at,
Manager Portal > Contacts > Uploads > Downloads Templates



To learn about the file format and columns format and definition for the csv file, please see this doc. You must be signed-in to EB Suite (Manager Portal) to access this page.
Also see Contact Upload Consideration

Response body

idUnique batch id. This id can be used to return the batch details.

Error Messages

400Type Mismatch Exception
401Missing Organization Id
401Org Is Invalid
500Internal Error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!