Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.
Form Submissions
GET /cm/v1/forms/submissions
Get a paged set of form submissions for an organization.
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
filtered | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The filter value, in this case, the name or ID of the form submissions if advanced search is disabled. *Will compare the field through all 'data' content of submissions if advanced search is enabled. |
folderIds | url parameter | Array[String] | y | In filter-The IDs of the folders that contain these critical events. |
columnName | url parameter | String | y | The name of the column to sort by, allowable values:"lastModifiedDate". |
orderDirection | url parameter | String | y | The sort order of the data, allowable values:"ASC, DESC". "DESC" will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageNumber | url parameter | Integer | y | The page number of the data to return. 1 will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageSize | url parameter | Integer | y | The page size of the data to return. 25 will be used as default if this field is absent. 200 maximum. |
startDate | url parameter | Long | y | The start date of the created date of the submissions in milliseconds. 0 will be used as default if this field is absent. |
endDate | url parameter | Long | y | The end date of the created date of the submissions in milliseconds. The current timestamp will be used as default if this field is absent. "endDate" should be greater than or equals to "startDate". |
formid | url parameter | String | y | Equals filter-The ID of the form to which the submissions submitted. Submissions to all forms will be returned if this field is absent. |
submissionStatus | url parameter | Array[String] | y | In filter-The submission status of the submissions. Submissions with all of the submission status will be returned if this field is absent. Pass Open, InProgress and Closed for the three status preseted by system. |
submittedBy | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The name of the created user. |
lastUpdatedBy | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The name of the last modified user. |
needCount | url parameter | boolean | y | If the linked resource count of the submissions is needed in the returning data. 'true' will be used as default if this field is absent. |
needDetail | url parameter | boolean | y | If the field "data" of the submissions is needed in the returning data. 'false' will be used as default if this field is absent. |
advanced | url parameter | boolean | y | Enable advanced search by content function by setting it to 'true'. 'false' will be used as default if this field is absent. |
HTTP Status Code | Response Body |
200Ok | SubmissionsResponseWrapper object: { "pageSize": 2, "start": 0, "data": [ { "name": "test file 2021-10-19 CST", "nameLowerCase": "test file 2021-10-19 cst", "createdName": "lingxiao jin", "createdId": 281754149584903, "createdDate": 1634605732574, "createdType": "USER", "lastModifiedName": "lingxiao jin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584903, "lastModifiedDate": 1634605732574, "lastModifiedType": "USER", "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "project": "5f43aa928fd85f41438ffee4", "publicToContact": false, "sharedToContacts": { "contactIds": [], "groupIds": [], "filterIds": [], "previewSearchSource": "All" }, "folderId": "0", "hasShared": false, "form": "60054f78789e87ad72c03acf", "scopeType": "REQUESTS", "submissionStatus": "Open", "locked": false, "formTitle": "test file", "data": {//returned with needDetail=true "upload": [ { "storage": "url", "size": 828359, "type": "image/png", "name": "eb-common-reminder-212dd37f-c3b6-490d-a290-26f2cccba7ce.png", "url": "/cm/crisisForm/preview/616e1a9e8bb3430c48aee254", "originalName": "eb-common-reminder.png" } ] }, "linkedResourceCount": 0,//returned with needCount=true "_id": "616e1aa47e62439d944d164e" }, |
{ "name": "test RTF URL", "nameLowerCase": "test rtf url", "createdName": "lingxiao jin", "createdId": 281754149584903, "createdDate": 1632355509915, "createdType": "USER", "lastModifiedName": "lingxiao jin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584903, "lastModifiedDate": 1632355577047, "lastModifiedType": "USER", "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "project": "5f43aa928fd85f41438ffee4", "publicToContact": false, "sharedToContacts": { "contactIds": [], "groupIds": [], "filterIds": [], "previewSearchSource": "All" }, "folderId": "0", "hasShared": false, "form": "60dbb2a9a077b5729d831214", "scopeType": "REQUESTS", "submissionStatus": "Open", "locked": false, "formTitle": "all component test mobile (wizard) (2)", "data": { "textArea": " <a href="https://://">https://:// ","select1": [], "select2": [], "select3": "", "radio1": "", "selectBoxes1": { "": false, "a": false, "b": false, "agular": false, "basic": false }, "checkbox": false, "textField": "", "email": "", "url": "", "phoneNumber": "", "address": {}, "time": "", "day": "00/00/0000", "tags": "", "upload": [], "survey": { "howIsTheWeather": "amazing", "howIsItGoing": "terrible" }, | |
"signature": "", "container": {} }, "linkedResourceCount": 0, "_id": "614bc4b51403214c9918a30e" } ], "totalCount": 163, "totalPageCount": 82, "currentPageNo": 1 } | |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden. No Permission for this Resource |
404 | Resource Not Found |
406 | Not Acceptable. Illegal Input. |
500 | Internal Error |