Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.
Critical Event Types
Critical Event Types API is
used to manage critical event Types within an organization.
GET /cm/v1/crisisEventTypes
Get Crisis EventTypes.
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization containing these critical event types. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
filtered | url parameter | String | y | The filter value. |
filterColumn | url parameter | String | y | The filter column. Default value: name. |
filterType | url parameter | String | y | The filter type (CONTAIN, STARTWITH, ENDWITH, IS). Default value: CONTAIN. |
sensitive | url parameter | boolean | y | Input Case Sensitive (true, false). Default value: false. |
hidden | url parameter | String | y | Whether to display hidden items (ignore, true, false). Default value: false. |
columnName | url parameter | String | y | Sort Crisis Event Types by column name. Default value: lastModifiedDate. |
orderDirection | url parameter | String | y | Sort Crisis Event Types by ASC or DESC. Default value: DESC. |
pageNumber | url parameter | Integer | y | The page number of Crisis Event Types to return. Default value: 1.. |
pageSize | url parameter | Integer | y | The page size of Crisis Event Types to return. Default value: 10. |
intializable | url parameter | boolean | y | Whether to initialize the customized categories. Default value: false. |
HTTP Status Code | Response Body |
200Ok | { "pageSize": 2, "start": 0, "data": [ { "id": "5f9c2122540a2900019d7deb", "name": "test", "nameLowerCase": "test", "createdName": "jingwei allRole", "createdId": 281754149584908, "createdDate": 1604067618504, "lastModifiedName": "jingwei allRole", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584908, "lastModifiedDate": 1604067618504, "organizationId": 281891588538372, "status": "A", "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": true, "deleteFlag": "-1", "bulkOpsTime": 0, "category": { "id": "5df99d96f0ee6e7f2cc5bc0d", "name": "Conflict/War", "nameLowerCase": "conflict/war", "createdName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "createdId": 281754149584902, "createdDate": 1576639894928, "lastModifiedName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584902, "lastModifiedDate": 1576639894928, "organizationId": 281891588538372, "status": "A", "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": true, "deleteFlag": "-1", "bulkOpsTime": 0 }, "hidden": false }, { "id": "5e55d5af7143f8000124ddd2", "name": "demo", "nameLowerCase": "demo", "createdName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "createdId": 281754149584902, "createdDate": 1582683567102, "lastModifiedName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584902, "lastModifiedDate": 1582683567102, "organizationId": 281891588538372, "status": "A", |
"folderId": "0", "enableNotification": true, "deleteFlag": "-1", "bulkOpsTime": 0, "category": { "id": "5df99d96f0ee6e7f2cc5bc1e", "name": "Earthquake", "nameLowerCase": "earthquake", "createdName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "createdId": 281754149584902, "createdDate": 1576639894928, "lastModifiedName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584902, "lastModifiedDate": 1576639894928, "organizationId": 281891588538372, "status": "A", "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": true, "deleteFlag": "-1", "bulkOpsTime": 0 }, "hidden": false } ], "totalCount": 153, "totalPageCount": 77, "currentPageNo": 1 } | |
400 | Bad Request. |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal Error |
GET /cm/v1/crisisEventTypes/categories
Get Crisis EventType Categories.
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization containing these crisis event type categories. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
filtered | url parameter | String | y | The filter value. |
filterColumn | url parameter | String | y | The filter column. Default value: name. |
filterType | url parameter | String | y | The filter type (CONTAIN, STARTWITH, ENDWITH, IS). Default value: STARTWITH. |
sensitive | url parameter | boolean | y | Input Case Sensitive (true, false). Default value: false. |
columnName | url parameter | String | y | Sort Crisis Event Types by column name. Default value: lastModifiedDate. |
orderDirection | url parameter | String | y | Sort Crisis Event Type Categories by ASC or DESC. Default value: DESC. |
pageNumber | url parameter | Integer | y | The page number of Crisis Event Types to return. Default value: 1.. |
pageSize | url parameter | Integer | y | The page size of Crisis Event Types to return. Default value: 10. |
intializable | url parameter | boolean | y | Whether to initialize the customized categories. Default value: false. |
HTTP Status Code | Response Body |
200Ok | { "pageSize": 2, "start": 0, "data": [ { "id": "5df99d96f0ee6e7f2cc5bc29", "name": "Winter Weather", "nameLowerCase": "winter weather", "createdName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "createdId": 281754149584902, "createdDate": 1576639894928, "lastModifiedName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584902, "lastModifiedDate": 1576639894928, "organizationId": 281891588538372, "status": "A", "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": true, "deleteFlag": "-1", "bulkOpsTime": 0 }, { "id": "5df99d96f0ee6e7f2cc5bc28", "name": "Wind", "nameLowerCase": "wind", "createdName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "createdId": 281754149584902, "createdDate": 1576639894928, "lastModifiedName": "jingwei organizationAdmin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584902, "lastModifiedDate": 1576639894928, "organizationId": 281891588538372, "status": "A", "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": true, "deleteFlag": "-1", "bulkOpsTime": 0 } ], "totalCount": 30, "totalPageCount": 15, "currentPageNo": 1 } |
400 | Bad Request. |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal Error |