Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.
Critical Event Surveys
GET /cm/v1/crisisEvent/{eventId}/surveys
Get a paged set of surveys of a critical event for an organization.
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
eventId | url path | String | n | The ID of the critical event. |
filtered | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The filter value, in this case, the name of the survey. |
tabId | url parameter | String | y | The ID of a survey tab. "0" will be used as default if this field is absent. |
columnName | url parameter | String | y | The name of the column to sort by, allowable values:"lastModifiedDate". |
orderDirection | url parameter | String | y | The sort order of the data, allowable values:"ASC, DESC". "DESC" will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageNumber | url parameter | Integer | y | The page number of the data to return. 1 will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageSize | url parameter | Integer | y | The page size of the data to return. 25 will be used as default if this field is absent. 200 maximum. |
existingChart | url parameter | boolean | y | Whether to only query the surveys with charts. 'false' will be used as default if this field is absent. |
HTTP Status Code | Response Body |
200Ok | SurveyWrapper object: { "pageSize": 25, "start": 0, "data": [ { "id": "6180e6058cef11750c6c4258", "name": "test rule", "createdName": "lingxiao jin", "createdId": 281754149584903, "createdDate": 1635837445135, "lastModifiedName": "lingxiao jin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584903, "lastModifiedDate": 1635837445146, "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": false, "scopeId": "612edb902d66c515b7a7d8ec", "scopeType": "CRISISEVENT", "tabId": "0", "formId": "60dbd28aa077b50c3583122a", "formVersion": 1, "formName": "test currency", "surveyStatus": "ACTIVE", "surveyStrategies": [ "EDIT_SUBMISSION", "CREATE_SUBMISSION", "VIEW_ALL" ], "sharedToContact": [ { "id": 289725608891844, "ownerType": "RULE" } ], "completedCount": 0, "totalCount": 11, "fieldConfs": [], "chartConfs": [] }, { "id": "6180e2008cef11750c6c424f", "name": "recover des", "createdName": "lingxiao jin", "createdId": 281754149584903, "createdDate": 1635836416637, "lastModifiedName": "lingxiao jin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584903, "lastModifiedDate": 1635836416645, |
"organizationId": 1328214341320748, "folderId": "0", "enableNotification": false, "scopeId": "612edb902d66c515b7a7d8ec", "scopeType": "CRISISEVENT", "tabId": "0", "formId": "610909462b8a2734a479f3b3", "formVersion": 0, "formName": "test formio pod", "surveyStatus": "ACTIVE", "surveyStrategies": [ "EDIT_SUBMISSION", "CREATE_SUBMISSION", "VIEW_ALL" ], "sharedToContact": [ { "id": 293711338541913, "ownerType": "CONTACT" }, { "id": 884011643741228, "ownerType": "CONTACT" } ], "completedCount": 1, "totalCount": 5, "fieldConfs": [], "chartConfs": [] } ], "totalCount": 2, "totalPageCount": 1, "currentPageNo": 1 } | |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden. No Permission for this Resource |
404 | Resource Not Found |
406 | Not Acceptable. Illegal Input. |
500 | Internal Error |
GET /cm/v1/crisisEvent/{eventId}/surveys/{surveyId}/submissions
Get a paged set of submissions of a survey for an organization.
Parameter | Position | Type | Optional | Description |
organizationId | header | Long | n | The ID of the organization. |
Authorization | header | String | n | Basic authorization header. |
eventId | url path | String | n | The ID of the critical event. |
surveyId | url path | String | n | The ID of the survey. |
columnName | url parameter | String | y | The name of the column to sort by, allowable values:"lastModifiedDate". |
orderDirection | url parameter | String | y | The sort order of the data, allowable values:"ASC, DESC". "DESC" will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageNumber | url parameter | Integer | y | The page number of the data to return. 1 will be used as default if this field is absent. |
pageSize | url parameter | Integer | y | The page size of the data to return. 25 will be used as default if this field is absent. 200 maximum. |
submittedBy | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The name of the created user. |
lastUpdatedBy | url parameter | String | y | Like filter-The name of the last modified user. |
HTTP Status Code | Response Body |
200Ok | SubmissionsResponseWrapper object: { "pageSize": 10, "start": 0, "data": [{ "name": "test demo", "nameLowerCase": "test demo", "createdName": "Lingxiao Jin", "createdId": 293711338541913, "createdDate": 1635835279261, "createdType": "CONTACT", "lastModifiedName": "lingxiao jin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584903, "lastModifiedDate": 1635836623642, "lastModifiedType": "USER", "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "project": "5f43aa928fd85f41438ffee4", "publicToContact": false, "sharedToContacts": { "contactIds": [], "groupIds": [], "filterIds": [], "previewSearchSource": "All" }, "folderId": "0", "hasShared": false, "form": "610909462b8a2734a479f3b3", "scopeType": "SURVEY", "scopeId": "6180e2008cef11750c6c424f", "locked": false, "formTitle": "test form demo", "data": { "textArea": "321" }, "linkedResourceCount": 0, "_id": "6180dd8f862e3b0478c614a1" }, { "name": "test demo", "nameLowerCase": "test demo", "createdName": "lingxiao jin", "createdId": 281754149584903, "createdDate": 1635835653518, "createdType": "USER", "lastModifiedName": "lingxiao jin", "lastModifiedId": 281754149584903, "lastModifiedDate": 1635836623642, "lastModifiedType": "USER", "organizationId": 1328214341320748, "project": "5f43aa928fd85f41438ffee4", |
"publicToContact": false, "sharedToContacts": { "contactIds": [], "groupIds": [], "filterIds": [], "previewSearchSource": "All" }, "folderId": "0", "hasShared": false, "form": "610909462b8a2734a479f3b3", "scopeType": "SURVEY", "scopeId": "6180e2008cef11750c6c424f", "locked": false, "formTitle": "test form demo", "data": { "textArea": "312" }, "linkedResourceCount": 0, "_id": "6180df05862e3bf289c614a3" }], "totalCount": 2, "totalPageCount": 1, "currentPageNo": 1 } | |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden. No Permission for this Resource |
404 | Resource Not Found |
406 | Not Acceptable. Illegal Input. |
500 | Internal Error |