Note: This page has not yet been converted to the new developer portal format. Please use Swagger to test this API.
Incident Preview
Preview the contacts/groups (Static as well as Dynamic), message texts, settings, and other information that will be used in the notification.
Deprecation warning
POST incidents/preview/{organizationId} will be deprecated.
Use POST incidents/{organizationId}/preview instead
POST incidents/{organizationId}/preview
The minimum request body:
"id": -1,
"name": "preview",
"incidentAction": "Launch",
"incidentPhases": [
"phaseTemplate": {
"templateId": "4402341479635"
"id": "28904487957655",
"name": "preview",
"incidentAction": "Update",
"incidentPhases": [
"phaseTemplate": {
"templateId": 4402341479635
Other fields
The other json fields are the same as Launch/Update Incident API.
Post Parameters
Name | Type | Optional? | Description |
id | long | n | The Incident ID. This is required for incidentAction “Update”, “UpdateThenClose”, and “CloseWithNotification” |
incidentAction | string | n | enum {“Launch”, “LaunchThenClose”, “Update”, “UpdateThenClose”, “closeWithNotification”} |
incidentPhases.phaseTemplate.templateId | long | n | Template ID. |
name | string | n | Incident name. This is required for incident update preview, optional for incident launch preview. |
enableMessageTruncate | boolean | n | 21.4.0 - Truncate the message by 2500 f the value is true. 22.2.0 - Truncate the custom SMS message by 2500 if the value is true. NOTE: ◊ Truncating SMS to 2500 is a guardrail (if enableMessageTruncate boolean is true) but the SMS message will still be 160 characters or 459 characters according to the organization setup |
"message": "OK",
"result": {
"id": 999999999,
"name": "Incident preivew test",
"notificationInfo": {
"messageFlag": 1,
"contactsFlag": 0,
"settingsFlag": 1,
"permissionMessages": "CONTACTS HAS NO VIEW PERMISSION",
"message": {
"title": "Message Title",
"textMessage": "This is a test message",
"messageLength": 35,
"estimatedSmsCount": 1,
"rtfMessage": "<meta id=\"meta\" name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0\">rtf message body",
"conferenceBridgeName": "conference 1",
"rtfViewMessage": "<!doctype html>\n <html>\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n <title>incident-4852</title>\n </head>\n\n <body style=\"font-family: Helvetica, Arial; line height:1.5\">\n <!-- Header start-->\n <div>\n <div>\n </div>\n <!-- Header end-->\n <!-- Messages start-->\n <div >\n <p> pre message\r\nIncidentID: 999999999 \r\nMessage Sender: parker yan \r\npostmessage</p>\n <div style=\"margin:30px 0px\">\n </div>\n </div>\n <!-- Messages end-->\n <!-- Footer start-->\n <div style=\"color:#777777; margin-top:20px\">\n <hr/><p style=\"text-align:center;\">To stop receiving future email notifications from this organization <a href=http://unsubscribe.url/0w7GGjjxnZ3UU4-MLFxnu-p9fasug0Ckpkoy9oHfJadv3vm5ddtHaHJRJF2f-uBKj-D-gkghaQYxppvKTRpvG_503lCSO6DIMo5apPPH_HFq7QOlEbciHt1EBN08ruAVkGunYeFYvrgKDxwUcc3NRbRbBJ5tt47vBo9Izx_uCboYBc5UcIbloC7fWGcAzSCkN_ngDjATMQQYO2rr5_YQcbXr6EPUIpm3jowgkrd0v8NrAGrtZfr_5T4aohAvhEJE5pkEgbRKd6eOHqiRWez-egRuoZlDmjVbmy1F94nFJSEE-P9jaFyHwKOvBxqxzaTiCg8cFHHNzUUyx6obJbdSeKbCIKar47ArnqcskKI_4MCkgHdWn6_eBSo9SFVKKKLIQ68ejeMol9akgHdWn6_eBRj4AgCF_seV?language=en-US style=\"color:#0000EE;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;\">unsubscribe here</a>.</p></div>\n </div>\n <!--Footer end-->\n </body>\n </html>\n",
"textSmsViewMessage": "smsPSC sms message",
"questionaire": {
"inputOptionAllowable": false,
"multipleSelected": false,
"answers": [
"quotaNum": 2,
"name": "request1"
"quotaNum": 2,
"name": "request2"
"required": false
"contacts": {
"staticContacts": {
"totalContactCount": 2,
"individualCount": 1,
"groupContactCount": 2,
"ruleContactCount": 1,
"mapContactCount": 0,
"groupInfo": [
"id": 241896853078135,
"name": "New Group"
"ruleInfo": [
"id": 241896853078036,
"name": "rule2"
"conditionsContacts": {
"totalContactCount": 2,
"individualCount": 1,
"groupContactCount": 2,
"ruleContactCount": 1,
"mapContactCount": 0,
"groupInfo": [
"id": 241896853078135,
"name": "New Group"
"ruleInfo": [
"id": 241896853078036,
"name": "rule2"
"incidentRuleContacts": {
"individualRuleContactCount": 1,
"incidentGroupContactCount": 1,
"groupInfo": [
"id": 241896853078132,
"name": "ContactGroup1"
"settings": {
"deliveryPathOrder": "Organization",
"deliverPaths": [
"pathId": 241901148045316,
"id": 1328214341321110,
"seq": 1,
"prompt": "email1"
"pathId": 219910915489799,
"id": 1328214341321127,
"seq": 18,
"prompt": "Phone 4"
"priority": "NonPriority",
"enableLifeSafety": false,
"enableExerciseMode": false,
"type": "Quota"
Response Details
Node | Comments |
id | If incidentAction is Launch or LaunchThenClose then this value will always be 999999999. |
messageFlag | Use bits to indicate permissions, 1: VIEW, 2: EDIT, 3:VIEW & EDIT, 0: NO PERMISSION, Boolean hasEditPermission = (2 & messageFlag) == 2; |
messageLength | The sum of messageTitle length and messageBody length |
estimatedSmsCount | Rough estimate of sms count,based on 120 characters for each sms. |
rtfMessage | This may not be present if there is no rtf content |
conferenceBridgeName | This field is only present if notification type is Conference |
questionaire | Only present if notification type is Polling or Quota |
deliveryPathOrder | Enum: Account, Organization, Contact or Custom |
type | Enum: Standard, Polling, Conference, Quota |
Error Codes
Status | Message |
400 | Missing or invalid request input. |
401 | Invalid or missing credentials. |
500 | Internal Error. |