Delivery path order
When sending a notification, is the delivery path order based on the order of the pasth IDs in the array?
How to send a notification to On-Call contacts via the API
I've gotton POST Notifications working for single contacts (broadcastContacts.externalIds and .contactIDs) and for an entire group (broadcastContacts.groupIds). I would like to send a notification to only the currently on-call person in a particular group. The group has a linked calendar and a staffed shift. It also has sequencing enabled.
POST Notifications limit delivery to SMS only
Hi Team, I have been testing sending notifications via API which current are sent to a number of defaulted channels Phone, email, text/sms to work mobile, text/sms to personal mobile. I would like to limit to only send through SMS channel. I believe perhaps this can be achieved by adding broadcastSettings/deliveryPaths to the json request of the post, however its not clear to me exactly what needs to be set/sent.
API Account Expiration
Is there a way to set up API access that doesn't have an expiring password?
Are 3rd Party Application Push Notifications Sent for Incidents?
Are 3rd party application push notifications sent for incidents or just for mass notifications?
Is it possible to download a backup of the current contracts CSV file using the Api?
Is it possible to download a backup of the current contracts CSV file using the Api?