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Groups api call for ITA

I've submitted an enhancement request for this, but I think it's worth mentioning here.

We strongly recommend that the group API call be enhanced to provide query functionality. It should not be necessary to pull all the groups from an organization, loop through them and discard most of them to pull certain groups from the list.

Pulling 4993 groups and discarding most of them to get the 50 groups I need?
When we need to service a REST request to target a selection of groups, pulling all the groups and filtering them results in API calls timing out. It's a big problem when one needs to provide this functionality to integrations when many integrations may be running at the same time. Pulling all the groups and storing them in some database presents its own set of problems, as there is no facility from the product that can inform a service that some group has changed.

At minimum, the groups API should be able to return the groups which are using a certain calendarID, the group name starts-with/ends-with a string or return those groups which share a parentId.
